Ricky Hewitt

Starting my #100daysofcode

Last year I tried a #100daysofcode challenge & reached day 46.

This year I am back, and hope to see it through!

Last year my main focus was with NodeJS. This is because I hadn’t kept myself up to date with many of the changes that were happening within the field of web programming. Due to mental health issues, my full-time career as a developer ended in 2011.

Since then I would go through a few weeks at a time working on freelance projects, mainly with WordPress, WooCommerce & other projects with Python/Flask. However, due to issues with mental health I struggled to get anything to stick or maintain to a full-time schedule.

With changes to my life & health recently, I have been returning to a more full-time schedule. By allocating an hour a day to the #100daysofcode challenge I will be allowing myself time to experiment with whatever project or language I am interested in.

Initially I plan on working with WordPress, as I have a few plugins I am interested in developing. I have toyed with the idea of experimenting with Ruby on Rails, but opinions seem mixed. Perhaps I could return to nodeJS & typescript again instead. Hopefully by the end of it I’ll figure out which path to take in that regard.

If you are interested in following my progress, feel free to follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rickyhewitt_dev